Chapter 13 User Databases
ODBC Database
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Note Because Cisco Secure ACS performs authentication for EAP-TLS, the user
password is not an input (Table 13-4).
The input name is for guidance only. A procedure variable created from it can
have a different name.
EAP-TLS Procedure Output
The stored procedure must return a single row containing the non-null fields.
Table 13-5 lists the procedure results Cisco Secure ACS expects as output from
stored procedure.
Table 13-6 EAP-TLS Stored Procedure Input
Field Type Explanation
CSNTusername String 0-64 characters
Table 13-7 EAP-TLS Stored Procedure Results
Field Type Explanation
CSNTresult Integer See Table 13-8 Result Codes.
CSNTgroup Integer The Cisco Secure ACS group number for authorization. 0xFFFFFFFF is
used to assign the default value. Values other than 0-499 are converted to
the default.
Note The group specified in the CSNTgroup field overrides group
mapping configured for the ODBC external user database.
CSNTacctInfo String 0-15 characters. A customer-defined string that Cisco Secure ACS adds to
subsequent account log file entries.
CSNTerrorString String 0-255 characters. A customer-defined string that Cisco Secure ACS
writes to the CSAuth service log file if an error occurs.