Chapter 8 System Configuration: Basic
Local Password Management
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
d. If you want Cisco Secure ACS to send changed password information
immediately after a user has changed a password, select the Upon remote
user password change, immediately propagate the change to selected
replication partners check box.
Tip The Cisco Secure ACSes that receive the changed password information
list below the Upon remote user password change, immediately
propagate the change to selected replication partners check box.
Step 5 If you want Cisco Secure ACS to generate a new User Password Changes log file
at a regular interval, select one of the following options:
• Every day—Cisco Secure ACS generates a new User Password Changes log
file at the start of each day.
• Every week—Cisco Secure ACS generates a new User Password Changes
log file at the start of each week.
• Every month—Cisco Secure ACS generates a new User Password Changes
log file at the start of each month.
Step 6 If you want Cisco Secure ACS to generate a new User Password Changes log file
when the current file reaches a specific size, select the When size is greater than
X KB option and type the file size threshold, in kilobytes, in the X box.
Step 7 If you want to manage which User Password Changes log files Cisco Secure ACS
keeps, follow these steps:
a. Select the Manage Directory check box.
b. If you want to limit the number of User Password Changes log files
Cisco Secure ACS retains, select the Keep only the last X files option and
type the number of files you want Cisco Secure ACS to retain in the X box.
c. If you want to limit how old User Password Changes log files retained by
Cisco Secure ACS can be, select the Delete files older than X days option
and type the number of days for which Cisco Secure ACS should retain a User
Password Changes log file before deleting it.
Step 8 Click Submit.
Cisco Secure ACS restarts its services and implements the settings you specified.