User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Chapter 3 Interface Configuration
Protocol Configuration Options for TACACS+
advanced feature is no longer displayed. Further, the interface displays any
advanced feature that has non-default settings, even if you have configured that
advanced feature to be hidden. If you later disable the feature or delete its settings,
Cisco Secure ACS hides the advanced feature. The only exception is the Network
Device Groups feature. Regardless of whether Network Device Groups are in use,
they are hidden when deselected on the Advanced Options page.
Step 3 When you have finished making selections, click Submit.
Cisco Secure ACS alters the contents of various sections of the HTML interface
according to the selections you have made.
Protocol Configuration Options for TACACS+
The TACACS+ (Cisco) page details the configuration of the Cisco Secure ACS
HTML interface for TACACS+ settings. The interface settings enable you to
display or hide TACACS+ administrative and accounting options. You can
simplify the HTML interface by hiding the features that you do not use.
The TACACS+ (Cisco) page comprises three distinct areas, as follows:
Tip The default interface setting presents a single column of check boxes, at the group
level only, for selecting TACACS+ Services Settings and New Service Settings.
To view two columns of check boxes that enable you to configure settings at the
Group level or the User level, you must have enabled the Per-user
TACACS+/RADIUS Attributes option on the Advanced Options page of Interface
Configuration section.
• TACACS+ Services Settings—In this area is a list of the most commonly
used services and protocols for TACACS+. You select each TACACS+
service that you want to appear as a configurable option on either the User
Setup page or Group Setup page.
• New Services—In this area you can enter any services or protocols particular
to your network configuration.