Administration: File Management
Download/Backup Configuration/Log
Cisco Small Business 200 Series Smart Switch Administration Guide 42
- Plaintext—Include sensitive data in the backup in its plaintext form.
NOTE The available sensitive data options are determined by the current
user SSD rules. For details, refer to Secure Sensitive Data Management >
SSD Rules page.
h. Destination File Name—Enter the destination file name. File names cannot
contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name must not be a period
(.), and the file name must be between 1 and 160 characters. (Valid characters:
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”).
i. Click Apply. The file is upgraded or backed up.
STEP 4 If you selected via HTTP/HTTPS, enter the parameters as described in this step.
Select the Save Action.
If Save Action is Download (replacing the file on the device with a new version
from another device), do the following. Otherwise, go to the next procedure in this
a. Source File Name—Click Browse to select a file or enter the path and source
file name to be used in the transfer.
b. Destination File Type—Select the configuration file type. Only valid file types
are displayed. (The file types are described in the Files and File Types
c. Click Apply. The file is transferred from the other device to the device.
If Save Action is Backup (copying a file to another device), do the following:
a. Source File Type—Select the configuration file type. Only valid file types are
displayed. (The file types are described in the Files and File Types section).
b. Sensitive Data—Select how sensitive data should be included in the backup
file. The following options are available:
- Exclude—Do not include sensitive data in the backup.
- Encrypted—Include sensitive data in the backup in its encrypted form.
- Plaintext—Include sensitive data in the backup in its plaintext form.
NOTE The available sensitive data options are determined by the current
user SSD rules. For details, refer to Secure Sensitive Data Management >
SSD Rules page.
c. Click Apply. The file is upgraded or backed up.