MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
The Modulation Wheel message is not received when Rx.Modulation = OFF.
The modulation type can be specified using a system exclusive message.
Modulation Wheel messages are sent when you operate the modulation wheel when Tone Preset
is selected for the modulation wheel or the assignable switch when Tone Preset (Mod.) is selected
for the assignable switch.
2.3.3 Portamento Time
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 05H mmH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
vv : Modulation Depth = 00H to 7FH
This message is received when Rx.Control Change = ON and its channel matches the part MIDI
Modulation Wheel messages are sent when you operate the modulation wheel when Portamento
Time is selected for the modulation wheel or the assignable switch when Portamento On/Off is
selected for the assignable switch.
2.3.4 Data Entry
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 06H mmH (Data Entry MSB)
BnH 26H llH (Data Entry LSB)
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
mm : MSB of parameter specified by RPN, NRPN
ll : LSB of parameter specified by RPN, NRPN
2.3.5 Channel Volume
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 07H vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
vv : Volume = 00H to 7FH
The Channel Volume message is no received when Rx.Volume = OFF.
The Channel Volume message is sent whenever a change is made in mixer volume, accomp vol-
ume, disk volume, or U1/U2 balance settings.
2.3.6 Pan
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 0AH vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
vv : Pan = 00H (Left) to 40H (Center) to 7FH (Right)
The Pan message is not received when Rx.Panpot = OFF.
For drum parts, the pan settings are changed relative to the pan setting of each drum part note
The Pan message is sent whenever the mixer's pan setting is changed.
2.3.7 Expression Controller
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 0BH vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
vv : Expression = 00H to 7FH
The Expression Controller message is not received when Rx.Expression = OFF.
The Expression Controller message is sent whenever an expression pedal operation is performed.
2.3.8 General Controller 1 to 8
General Controller messages are assigned to the effect parameters in the Common Sub-block.
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH kkH vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk : cc Number = 4cH to 53H
vv : Effect Value = 00H to 7fH
The following shows the relationship between cc numbers and effect parameters.
cc Parameter )
4CH DSP1 Parameter 1
4DH DSP1 Parameter 2
4EH DSP2 Parameter 1
4FH DSP2 Parameter 2
50H DSP3 Parameter 1
51H DSP3 Parameter 2
52H DSP4 Parameter 1
53H DSP4 Parameter 2
This message is received when its channel matches the MIDI Global channel.
For details about the receive operation General Controller messages, see "4.11.5 Control Using
the Val Control Change Message."
A General Controller message is sent whenever an effect parameter is changed.
2.3.9 Hold 1 (Damper Pedal)
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 40H vvH