MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
0103 CC1Lfo2PitchDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 1-induced Lfo2 pitch modulation depth
00H : 0 (cents)
7FH : 600(cents)
0104 CC1Lfo2TvfDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 1-induced Lfo2 Tvf cutoff modulation depth
00H : 0(cents)
7FH : 2400 (cents)
0105 CC1Lfo2TvaDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 1-induced Lfo2 Tva amplitude modulation depth
00H : 0 (%)
7FH : 100(%) Continuous Controller 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ParaID Parameter Bit Default Value
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0107 CC2Pitch 8 28H - 58H 40H
Continuous Controller 2-induced pitch change
28H : -24(semitones)
40H : 0 (semitones)
58H : +24 (semitones)
0108 CC2TvfCutoff 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 2-induced TvfCutoff change
00H : -9600(cents)
40H : 0(cents)
7fH : +9600(cents)
0109 CC2Amp 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 2-induced amp change
00H : -100.0 (%)
40H : 0.0(%)
7fH : +100.0(%)
0110 CC2Lfo1Rate 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller-induced Lfo2 frequency change
00H : -10.0 (Hz)
40H : 0.0(Hz)
7FH : +10.0(Hz)
0111 CC2Lfo1PitchDepth 8 00H - 7FH 0H
Continuous Controller 2-induced Lfo1 pitch modulation depth
00H : 0 (cents)
7FH : 600(cents)
0112 CC2Lfo1TvfDepth 8 00H - 7FH 0H
Continuous Controller 2-induced Lfo1 Tvf cutoff modulation depth
00H : 0(cents)
7FH : 2400 (cents)
0113 CC2Lfo1TvaDepth 8 00H - 7FH 0H
Continuous Controller 2-induced Lfo1 Tva amplitude modulation depth
00H : 0 (%)
00H : 0 (%)
7FH : 100(%)
0114 CC2Lfo2Rate 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 2-induced Lfo2 frequency change
00H : -10.0 (Hz)
40H : 0.0(Hz)
7FH : +10.0(Hz)
0115 CC2Lfo2PitchDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 2-induced Lfo2 pitch modulation depth
00H : 0 (cents)
7FH : 600(cents)
0116 CC2Lfo2TvfDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 2-induced Lfo2 Tvf cutoff modulation depth
00H : 0(cents)
7FH : 2400 (cents)
0117 CC2Lfo2TvaDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Continuous Controller 2-induced Lfo2 Tva amplitude modulation depth
00H : 0 (%)
7FH : 100 (%) Scale Tuning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ParaID Parameter Bit Default Value Array
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0119 ScaleTune[ScaleNum] 8 00H - 7FH 40H 1
Scale Tuning
This function fine tunes the 12 notes of a scale. It can be used to specify a tempera-
ment, such as equal temperament, just intonation, etc.
key C C# D D# E F F# G G# A Bb B
ScaleNum 0 1 234567891011
ScaleNum sets the tuning within the range of 0 through 11. The center value is 40H.
00H : -64(cents)
40H : 0 (cents)
7FH : +63(cents)
With the MZ-2000, the scale number and length settings can be used to specify a
single location or a one-time setting of consecutive multiple scales. Other Parameters
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ParaID Parameter Bit Default Value
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0121 PitchFineTune 16 0000H - 3FFFH 2000H
Pitch Fine Tune
Pitch fine tuning. The center value is 2000H
0000H : -100(cents)
2000H : 0(cents)
3FFFH : +100 (cents)
0122 KeyShift 8 28H - 58H 40H
Key Shift (Transpose)
Key shift level. The center value is 40H.
28H : -24(semitones)
40H : 0 (semitones)
58H : +24 (semitones)
0123 KeyRangeHi 8 00H - 7FH 7FH
Key Range High
Maximum receivable note number
0124 KeyRangeLo 8 00H - 7FH 00H
Key Range Low
Minimum receivable note number
0125 Level 8 00H - 7FH 64H
Tone volume level. The center value is 64H.
0126 Pan 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Pan position. The center value is 40H.
A value of 00H specifies a random pan position for each note on message.
00H : - - (random)
01H : -63(left)
40H : 0 (center)
7FH : +63(right)
0127 ChoSend 8 00H - 7FH 00H
Chorus Send
Send level to system chorus