MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation System Reverb
Available Part System Reverb
I/O 1/2
Parameter List
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value-Range Value-Meaning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH -
0001 Bypass 1 0 - 1 0...Bypass
0002 -
0003 Pre-LPF 3 0 - 127 0 - 127
0004 RevLevel 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0005 RevTime 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0006 DelayFb 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0007 PreDlyTime 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
This effector simulates concert hall and room acoustics.
1. Bypass
Effector function enable/disable. Selecting bypass causes the input signal to be output as-is.
2. Pre-LPF
Reverb pre-LPF characteristics. A larger value dampens the right range.
3. RevLevel
Reverb level
4. RevLevel
Reverb timem
5. DelayFb (Delay Feedback)
Delay feedback volume when Delay or Panning Delay is selected as for Type.
6. PreDlyTime (Pre-Delay Time)
Time until reverb is generated
Preset List
No Preset Name
00 Room 1
01 Room 2
02 Room 3
03 Hall 1
04 Hall 2
05 Plate 1
06 Delay
07 Pan Delay
08 Room 4
09 Plate 2
10 Small Hall
11 Medium Hall
12 Large Hall
13 Bright Hall
14 Church Gate Reverb
Available Part DSP
I/O 1/2
Parameter List
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value-Range Value-Meaning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH -
0001 Bypass 1 0 - 1 0...Bypass
0002 Time 4 0 - 9 0 - 9
0003 LPF Freq 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0004 HPF Freq 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0005 Color 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0006 Feedback 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0007 FbLPF Freq 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0008 Efx Level 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0009 Dir Level 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
This effector creates artificial reverb as if the gate were cut. Parameter settings can be used to
produce a revers rotation effect, and an effect that is somewhere between a broken up and dis-
persed delay, and reverb.
1. Bypass
Effector function enable/disable. Selecting bypass causes the input signal to be output as-is.
2. Time
Reverb time
3. LPF Freq
Low pass filter trigger frequency
4. HPF Freq
High pass filter trigger frequency
5. Color
Gate reverb effect nuance
6. Feedback
Feedback volume
7. FbLPF Freq (Feedback-LPF Frequency)
Filter fequqncy characteristics applie to feedback signal
8. Efx Level
Effect volume
9. Dir Level
Input direct signal output level
Preset List
No Preset Name
00 Gate Reverb 1
01 Gate Reverb 2
02 Gate Reverb 3
03 Gate Reverb 4
04 Deep Sky
05 Reverse 1
06 Reverse 2
07 Reverse 3
08 Moving Reverse 1
09 Moving Reverse 2 Surround
Available Part Master
I/O 2/2
Parameter List
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value-Range Value-Meaning
0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH -
0001 Bypass 1 0 - 1 0...Bypass
0002 Depth 7 0 - 127 0 - 127