9.10 Windows Installation Utility
MS-Windows has been installed on the MASK ROM drive (E:). However, MS-Windows cannot be
booted directly from the MASK ROM drive. This is because MS-Windows will overwrite some of
the INI files at start up. However, since all the files including the INI files are initially located in the
MASK ROM drive, they cannot be overwritten, therefore an error will result. To avoid this problem,
it is necessary to copy some of the files in the write-permit drive (D:) before booting MS-Windows.
Set up the country code and language to be used internally by Windows. WINST.EXE handles all
these processes. WINST.EXE can also be used to install application programs. MS-Windows will
load a program, specified by the shell script contained in the [boot] section of system.ini, as an
application program. The Program Manager is loaded when MS-Windows is booted because the
Program Manager has been specified by the above mentioned shell script. For this terminal it is
recommended to specify the application program instead of the Program Manager. All processes,
including rewriting of the system.ini file, can be automatically handled with WINST.EXE.
File name:
WINST [/M] [/T<directory>][Script File]
Start Option
The default operations can be modified by specifying a start option to initiate WINST.EXE. The
options that can be specified and their functions are shown in the table below.
Option Description
/M This option specifies for WINST.EXE to be initiated from the menu. With the
initiated menu Windows files can be installed after modifying, if necessary, the
contents specified by the WINST.INF file. WINST.INF itself will not be
automatically modified by this menu initiation.
/T<directory> The default target directory of installation differs depending the working
environment of WINST.EXE. If WINST.EXE is executed on a personal
computer, the target directory will be the WINDOWS directory under the current
directory. If WINST.EXE is executed on an IT-2000, the target directory will be
the D: WINDOWS directory. If this option is specified, installation will be
performed assuming the target directory is <directory>.
Script File By default, WINST.EXE will perform installation according to the WINST.INF
file. The WINST.INF file must exist under the same directory as the
WINST.EXE file. If "Script File" is specified, the user-specified file can be used
instead of the WINST.INF file.