Readout of Received Data
Acquires the first barcode in the reception buffer and writes it to the specified buffer. The reception
data SYNTAX is as follows:
Barcode O
Fig. 8.33
#include "obrlib.h"
int FAR PASCAL _export OBR_Read(void far *pBuf);
pBuf = Pointer to the buffer that stores the received barcode
The absolute value shows the number of characters in the received barcode.
The sign indicates the validity of the barcode.
> 0 Length of received data.
= 0 Either the reception acknowledgment is not performed (OBR_Stat function is
not used) or there is no received data.
< 0 Valid data does not exist.
Note :
Before reading a barcode using this function, acknowledge reception with the OBR_Stat function.
Note that received barcode data will be cleared from the reception buffer after it has been read by the
OBR_Read function. This means that the following barcode can be read immediately after the
preceding one, even if there is an error, has been read.