2.1.3 Drive Configuration
The drive configuration differs for each model as described in the following table:
RAM disk
Drive A:
[Read and Write]
This drive is prepared for use after the RAM disk size is specified from
the System Menu. The contents of this RAM disk will not be erased
through a boot process or by pressing the RESET switch.
Basic drive (DINOR FLASH ROM)Drive C:
[Read Only]
This drive starts up MS-DOS. The main body of MS-DOS and
maintenance programs such as the System Menu, etc., are stored in this
F-ROM driveDrive D:
[Read and Write]
Application programs are stored on this drive. The drive size (storage
capacity) differs depending on the model.
Drive for Windows filesDrive E:
[Read Only]
A ROM that stores Windows files is assigned to the drive E.
This is a reserved drive on IT-2000D models. In this case note that if this
drive is accessed , an INT24h error will occur.
Drive for booting up from cardDrive F:
[Read Only]
This read-only drive functions only while a card is being booted.
For information about the mechanism of booting a card refer to
Chapter 4.3 “Card Boot”.
PC card driveDrive G:
[Read and Write]
This drive is required if the application program accesses the PC card.
This drive is prepared for use by loading the PC card driver via
The drive letter of each drive is reserved. Therefore, these drive letters are not changed even if the
RAM disk is not used.