4. Move users from the Available Users box on the left to the box on the right by double-
clicking on the username, or by selecting the name and clicking the Add button. You can
remove any names from the box on the right by double-clicking on the name or by
selecting the name and clicking the Remove button.
5. If you want to add remote users to the new user group (these must be valid names in your
remote authentication server), add them in the New Remote Users field.
6. Click Save.
To remove members from a user group:
1. Click Users - Authorization - Groups.
2. Click the user group name.
3. Check the box(es) of the member(s) you want to remove. Click Delete to delete the
selected members.
To configure a login profile for a user group:
1. Click Users - Authorization - Groups.
2. Click on the name of the group whose login profile you want to set. In the Side
Navigation Bar, click Login Profile.
3. Check the Enable Log-In Profile box.
4. Click ts_menu to use the ts_menu application when a member of the selected user group
opens a session in the console server. Enter the ts-menu options in the Options field.
Click CLI to use CLI when opening a session. Enter the CLI command in the CLI cmd
field and check the box if you want to exit after executing the command.
5. Click Save.
NOTE: Iftheuser belongsto multiplegroups,the loginprofileused willbe thefirstenabledloginprofilebasedon
alphabeticalorder ofthe group.
Command Description
-p DisplaysTCPport
-i DisplayslocalIPv4assignedto theserialport
Table 3.7: ts_menu Options
Chapter 3: Accessing a Virtual Console Server via the Web Manager 43