To delete an auto input and output string, select the checkbox next to the string you
want to delete. Click Delete, then click Save.
Pool of CAS ports
An administrator can create a pool of serial ports where each serial port in the pool shares a
pool name, TCP Port Alias, IPv4 Alias and IPv6 Alias. The first available port in the pool is
used as the serial port for connection.
NOTE: The multiplesessionaccessrightdoesnothaveanyeffectwhen usinga poolofCASports.When allportsin
the poolare taken,the connectionto thepoolisdenied.
NOTE: Allportsinthe poolmustshare thesame CASprotocol.The protocolisvalidated during theconnectionto
the serialport. Ifthe protocoldoesnot match,the connection willbedenied.
To configure a pool of CAS ports:
1. Click Ports - Pool of CAS Ports.
2. To create a pool, click the Add button.
- or -
To edit an existing pool, click the name of the pool you want to edit.
- or -
To delete a pool, check the box next to the pool you want to delete and click the
Delete button.
3. Enter the parameters for the pool in the appropriate fields.
4. In the left side of the Pool Members field, select the ports to be added to the pool and click
- or -
In the right side of the Pool Members field, select the ports to be removed from the
pool and click Remove.
5. Click Save.
NOTE: Aserialportcan onlybelong toone poolata time, buta user cancreate anemptypooland add portstoit
34 ACS v6000 Installation/Administration/User Guide