Field Name Definition
Remote (Right) Side- and- Local
(Left) Side
Enter therequired addressor textfor eachof thefour fieldsfor bothRemote
Sideand LocalSide:ID: Thisisthehostnamethat alocalsystemand a
remotesystem usefor IPSecnegotiation andauthentication. Itcanbe afully
qualifieddomainnameprecededby@. For example,
hostname@xyz.comIPAddress:The IPaddressofthe host. NextHop:
The router through whichthe virtualconsoleserver (on theleftside) or the
remotehost(on theright side) sendspacketsto thehostontheother side.
SubNet: Thenetmaskofthe subnetworkwherethe hostresides.UseCIDR
notation. TheIP number followed byaslashandthenumber of ‘one’bitsin
the binarynotationofthenetmask.For example, indicates
an IPaddresswhere thefirst24 bitsare used asthenetworkaddress.This
isthe same as255.255.255.0.
RSA Key(If RSAKeyisselected)
For IPSec(VPN) authentication,you needto generate apublickeyfor the
virtualconsoleserver andfindout the keyusedon theremote gateway.
Copyand pastefor copying theRSAkeyfromanother sourceissupported.
Pre-Shared Secret(If Secret is
Pre-sharedpassword between left and rightusers.
SNMP Configuration
An administrator can configure SNMP, which is needed if notifications are to be sent to an
SNMP management application.
NOTE: The AvocentACSv6000 EnterpriseMIBtextfile isavailableinthe appliance at:/usr/local/mibs/ACSv6000-
MIB.asn.TheAvocent ACSv6000EnterpriseTRAPMIB textfileisavailableinthe applianceat:
/usr/local/mibs/ACSv6000-TRAP-MIB.asn.Both filesarealsoavailableat www.avocent.com.
To configure SNMP:
1. Click Network - SNMP.
2. Click the System button and enter the SysContact information (email address of the virtual
console server’s administrator, for example, acsv6000_admin@avocent.com).
3. Click Add to add a new community or v3 user.
4. Enter the community name for SNMP v1/v2 or the user name for SNMP v3 in the Name
field and enter the OID.
5. Select the desired permission from the pull-down menu. Choices are Read and Write or
Read Only.
Chapter 3: Accessing a Virtual Console Server via the Web Manager 27