Viewing Ring-level Information 3-15
Ring Map
To access the Error Table:
1. Click on .
2. Drag down to Error Table, and to the right to select Total Errors or a specific
error. The Error Table, Figure 3-8, will appear.
Figure 3-8. The Error Table Window
The reported soft errors are errors from which the ring can recover through
normal operation of the Token Ring protocol. Although these errors do not cause
ring failure, in sufficient numbers they may cause degradation of ring
performance, and the ring may have to be purged (the Active Monitor must
perform ring recovery operations), or Active Monitor contention may have to be
initiated. In either of these situations, the data flow will be halted while normal
operations are being restored on the ring.
The statistics for each category are measured at the end of the specified polling interval
and are displayed according to the selected calculation mode. The calculation mode is
global in nature; that is, when you change modes, it affects all statistics — including
those in the Error Table. The window title notes the calculation mode currently in effect.