Viewing Ring-level Information 3-13
Ring Map
Error Report Timer
The Error Report Timer determines the interval at which stations will report the
number of errors they have detected. The default timer value is 2 seconds. To
change this value:
1. Highlight the current setting.
2. Type in a new setting, and press Enter.
After making changes in the Management Station Configuration window, click
here to update the information shown in the window’s fields.
Viewing Ring-level Information
Setting the Statistics Calculation Mode
Statistics available from the Ring Map window are calculated according to one of
three formulas:
Rate Units expressed as a change in value divided by the
length of the polling interval, or
units measured /
(in seconds). For example, if you measured 3200 frames
over a 10 second interval, the frame rate would be
Cumulative Total units measured since the cumulative option was
selected. For example, if you measured 390 frames
during the first interval since cumulative was selected,
270 in the second, and 500 in the third, the cumulative
total would be 1160. You can reset the Ring Map’s
cumulative counters at any time.
Delta The change in the units measured from the previous poll
to the current poll.
If you disallow contention for a management station which is currently serving as the
Active Monitor, that station will continue as Active Monitor until the next contention.
Current versions of TRMMIM firmware do not support the ability to set the Error Report
Timer Delay; future versions will include this feature.