Ring Map
3-10 Viewing Station-specific Information
Figure 3-6. The Management Station Configuration Window
The Management Station Configuration window contains the following
information and configurable options:
You can choose one of five commands to execute on the management station. To
select a command, click mouse button 1 on the button next to it.
No-op No operation (command) will be performed on the
SW Reset The device will be reset through the software; note that
this does not reset statistical counters.
HW Reset A hardware reset will occur on the device, which is the
equivalent of physically resetting the device. This
reinitializes the module and all counters are reset.
Open Forces the management station to “open” on to the ring.
This causes the station to participate in the ring poll
process and receive and transmit data onto the ring.
Close Forces the management station to “close,” therefore
removing itself from the ring and making the station
incapable of receiving or transmitting any data onto the