If a system without a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module loses all power (AC and standby bat-
tery), all history events are cleared.
The HISTORY option is a chronological list of system events that occurred. Press the [History]
key to HISTORY select from the Main Menu (SYSTEM NORMAL display).
On an FPD-7024 FACP with a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module, up to 499 History events are
On an FPD-7024 FACP without a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module, up to 99 History events
are supported.
After you press the [History] key, the most recent system event appears on the top line of the
LCD with the time and date below it.
Example: (Assume you pressed the [History] key at the Main Menu):
While the first event shows, the bottom line toggles every four seconds between the time and
date that the event occurred.
To return to a previous screen in the history buffer, press [2/▲].To scroll to the next event
record, press [8/▼].
For abbreviations used in history events, see the following table:
Meaning Abbreviation Meaning
ALRM Alarm OFFNORM Off Normal at Test
ARST Alarm Restore PH1 Phone Line 1
AUTOTST Auto Test PH2 Phone Line 2
BATT:LOW Battery Low RSTR Restore
BAT:RSTR Battery Restore S Supervisory
CPUFLT Internal Error SMK:FLT Smoke Power Fault
DBL Disable SYSRESET System Reset
DRILL:BEG Drill Begin SYSRST System Restore
DRILL:OVR Drill Over SYSTRB System Trouble
DRST Dirty Restore SYS:WDOG Automatic CPU Reset
DRTY Dirty TRBL Trouble
DSBL Disable TRST Trouble Restore
ENBL Enable TST:OVR Test Over
F Fire W Waterflow
MANULTST Manual Test
Table 6.2: History event abbreviations
Fire Alarm Control Panels System Operation | en 39
Bosch Security System, Inc. Installation and Operation Manual 2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458