Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition
Frequency SYS, SYSTM System
FUNC Function T, TRBL, TRB, TROUB Trouble
GRND Ground TST Test
HI High VER Version
HSTRY History W, WFLW, WTF Waterflow
INIT Initialize ZN, ZON Zone
IP Internet Protocol address
Table 10.1: Abbreviations on control panel display
Appendix B: Control Panel Display Descriptions
The meanings of control panel messages are given in the following table:
FPD-7024 Panel Display
Panel Display Message Definition
FIRE DIRTY PT XX A smoke detector with the Chamber Check feature indicates a dirty
FIRE DSBL PT Fire point is disabled from the keypad.
FIRE TRBL PT XXX Trouble condition for specific points on the system. Check control
panel wiring and field wiring for shorts or opens. Also check point
programming to ensure the control panel knows what points belong
on the system.
FIRE TROUBLE General fire zone trouble message. Refer to the second line of
display for more information.
INST FLT 4Z EXP There is a missing FPD-7034 Four Zone Expander Board, or the
expander appeared unexpectedly since the last time the system
was powered.
INST FLT MX EXP There is a missing D7039 MUX Expander Module, or the expander
appeared unexpectedly since the last time the system was
MONI DSBL PT Monitor point is disabled from the keypad.
MONI TRBL PT XXX Trouble with a monitor point occurred.
A wiring problem on Bus A or Bus B in Class B mode occurred.
Check the wiring for shorts or opens.
MUX CPU FAILURE A CPU failure on the D7039 Expander Board occurred. Ensure that
the D7039 is correctly installed on the header pins. If the message
persists, call for service immediately.
SUPV DSBL PT Supervisory point is disabled from the keypad.
SUPV TRBL PT XXX Trouble with a supervisory point occurred.
100 en | Appendices Fire Alarm Control Panels
2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458 Installation and Operation Manual Bosch Security System, Inc.