– Select the next larger standard battery for the system.
If the results show a requirement for a battery over 40 Ah, reduce the existing load or add an
external regulated fire protective signaling power supply.
Compatible devices
Device Function
D7030 Eight Point LED
Identifies the location of a fire alarm for up to eight zones
allowed per system.
D7030X Eight Point LED
Identifies the location of a fire alarm for up to eight zones
allowed per system.
D7030X‑S2 Eight Point LED
An eight zone LED annunciator, of which two zones are
reserved for supervisory functions. It has Power and
Trouble LEDs plus eight zone LEDs that can be labeled
D7030X‑S8 Eight Point LED
An eight-zone LED annunciator, of which all eight zones are
reserved for supervisory functions. It has Power and
Trouble LEDs plus eight-zone LEDs that can be labeled
D7032 Eight Point LED
Annunciator Expander
Attaches to a D7030X and identifies the location of a fire
alarm for eight additional zones.
FMR‑7033 Alphanumeric LCD
The FMR‑7033 LCD Keypad combines remote annunciator
and controller functions for the FPD‑7024. Up to four
keypads can be connected.
FPC‑7034 Four Point Expander Allows the FPD‑7024 Control Panel to support four
additional loops. The FPC‑7034 plugs into the control panel
and provides four Class B, Style 4 loops that are identical
in characteristics to the loops on the control panel. One
FPC‑7034 is allowed per system.
D7035/B Octal Relay Module Provides eight Form C relay outputs for addition to the
system. The outputs are programmable and can be
activated by system events. Each output operates
independently of the other seven outputs for complete
flexibility. The D7035 connects to the option bus; up to
two are allowed per system. The D7035B comes installed
on a mounting skirt.
For required enclosure modification, see also the D7035
Installation Guide.
FMR‑7036 Fire Annunciator
Establishes the location of a fire alarm.
Power Supply
Adds four NFPA 72 Class B, Style Y Notification Appliance
Circuits through the option bus and is supervised by the
control panel. The FPP‑RNAC‑8A‑4C connects to the option
bus of the FPD‑7024 control panel and up to four are
allowed per system.
Fire Alarm Control Panels Overview | en 17
Bosch Security System, Inc. Installation and Operation Manual 2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458