13258 11/01
favorite audio listening mode continued
Setting a favorite listening mode here will not prevent the system from automatically adjusting the listening mode
in response to bitstream information, nor will it prevent the user form changing modes during normal operation. It
is merely the mode that is chosen when that input is initially selected and no additional bitstream information is
available. You can use the favorite Mode/Speakers along with the systems intelligence to arrive at your optimum
listening modes while seldom needing to manually set modes. For example, you use a DVD player to play music
CDs and DVD movies. You may prefer to listen to music CDs in their original 2-channel stereo, while you prefer
Dolby Digital and DTS DVDs in 6-channel (“MATRIX”) mode. First select Favorite mode surround and favorite
speakers 6. Then select favorite mode Stereo and favorite speakers 2. Your system will now automatically
playback PCM CDs in two-channel stereo and Dolby Digital or DTS DVDs in Surround 6. And if you temporarily
want a different mode, you can still change it during normal system operation
From Remote From Front Panel Action
(PAUSE) or
(UP) or (DOWN) move to Favorite Mode
(REW) or
VOLUME KNOB select favorite audio mode for use source
Set the favorite speakers -
Allows you to set a different default number of speakers (excluding selection 0
‘Headphone’, or selection 9 ‘Lt Rt’) for each of your input sources. When a source is selected from the remote
control or front panel, audio will be sent to the number of speakers set in favorite speakers. See AUDIO MODES
and the table below.
Notes Speakers Used
0 (headphone
not an allowed favorite mode setting L, R (always down mixed to stereo)
1 mono with all audio modes C (always down mixed to mono)
L, R
L, C, R
L, R, Sl, Sr
L, R, Sbl, Sbr
L, C, R, Sl, Sr
L, C, R, Sbl, Sbr
6 Allows the MATRIX mode L, C, R, Sl, Sr, Sbl, Sbr
7 Sbl=Sl and Sbr=Sr L, C, R, Sl, Sr, Sbl, Sbr
8 (direct) uses L, R analog inputs L, R
9 (LtRt) not an allowed favorite mode setting L, R (Dolby Surround encoding)