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you can create your own DTS DATs or CDs but not mini disc or digital compact cassette. As with Dolby
Digital, sound will normally come from all seven speakers in your system, but your processor can produce
sound in one (mono) to seven channels (see “Audio Modes under Operation”).
DVD Audio (also referred to as MLP)
- Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) is a lossless coding system for
high-quality linear PCM audio. For DVD-Audio MLP performs lossless compression of up to 6 channels of
up to 24-bit material sampled at rates between 44.1kHz and 192kHz. Lossless coding does not alter the
final signal, it ‘packs’ the audio data into a smaller rate and space. Currently, DVD Audio can only be
delivered to your processor via the 6 coaxial digital inputs. The coax digital inputs may be configured
internally for use as an analog 5.1 input. Sound will normally come from all seven speakers in your
system, but your processor can produce sound in one (mono) to seven channels (see “Audio Modes
under Operation”).
Home THX Cinema Processing
- THX is an exclusive set of standards and technologies established by
the world-renowned film production company, Lucasfilm Ltd. THX grew from George Lucas’ personal
desire to make your experience of the film soundtrack, in both movie and in your home theater, as faithful
as possible to whate
ver the director intended.
Currently, the Reference 20 Plus does not support Home THX
Cinema Processing