Security Options
1. Use the Up/Down keys to highlight which line you want to
2. Use the Left/Right keys to select from one of the available
Setup Menu
There are two options that can be selected.
Visible (Default) - This allows access to all menu items.
Disabled - This setting does not allow any setup of the
unit. However, it still allows viewing of system status.
There are two options that can be selected.
Unlocked (Default)- Allows users to save system setting to memory.
Locked - Does not allow users to make/save any changes to presets or settings. Advanced setup menus
can still be viewed but changes cannot be made or saved.
Front Panel Buttons
There are two options that can be selected.
ON (Default) - When set to ON, all front panel user interface controls can be used.
OFF - When set to OFF, all front panel user interface controls cannot be used. The word “Locked” will be
displayed on the front panel if any of these controls are attempted to be adjusted.
Front Panel IR
There are two options that can be selected.
ON (Default) - When set to ON, all B&K and source IR commands received through the front panel will be
OFF - When set to OFF, the CT Receiver will not respond to B&K IR commands, however B&K and source
IR commands will pass through the flasher outputs.
To unlock advanced system settings, see page 53.
RS-232 Options
1. Use the Up/Down keys to highlight which line you want to
2. Use the Left/Right keys to select from one of the available
NOTE: Please see page 54 of this manual describing
details about the RS-232 options.
3. Use the Menu key to return to the previous menu.
Note: Parameters 1 through 7 do not need to be changed and should be left for advanced programmers.
2 MMemory Unlocked
3 FFront PPanel BButtons On
4 FFront PPanel IIR On
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU sseettuupp ccoonnttrrooll
1 SSetup MMenu Visible
2 BBaud RRate 9600
3 EEcho Disable
4 FFeedback Disable
5 rreceive ID 0
6 TTransmit IID 0
7 SSetup RRS232 SSlave CControl
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU sseettuupp ccoonnttrrooll
1 PPort Enable