
On Screen Menu Operation with the MZ-128
Using a Remote Control
The on screen display’s are navigated by use of the MZ-128 remote controller, however any remote can be
used once it is set to the zone A Code-Set. Zone A is default code set to 0-1-1.
Using The Remote Control and On-Screen Menus
Tapping the MENU button on the remote
control brings up the On-Screen MAIN
To see the Menu, you must have the com-
posite video output of ZONE A connected
to a TV monitor.
The MAIN MENU appears with the first
sub menu title highlighted in red.
Use the Up and Down arrows to navigate
to the sub menu you want and press the
center SEL/ENTER button.
Use the Left and Right arrows to adjust
the selected item.
In the example displayed in the lower
right, the Volume of the Family Room (in
Zone Operation) has been selected, now
by using the left and right arrows, you can
adjust the volume to whatever setting you
The MENU button always takes you back
one level at a time. If you press the
MENU button when you can see the
MAIN MENU screen, you will exit the
menu completely.
At any time, the menu’s may be exited
completely by pressing the EXIT button.
ZZOONNEE 110022 FFaammiillyy RRoooomm OOPPEERRAATTEE
PPoowweerr OOffff
AAuuddiioo FFMM VVoolluummee -1100ddBB
VViiddeeoo SSAATT AA BBaassss ++1122ddBB
FFrreeqq 110033..33 TTrreebbllee ++1122ddBB
HHeeaaddpphhoonnee OOffff LLoouuddnneessss OOffff
nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt
00....99 ++1100 rreeccaallll pprreesseett SSAAVVEE
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
22 ZZoonnee FFaavvoorriittee PPrreesseettss
33 AAuuddiioo//VViiddeeoo SSyysstteemm SSeettuupp
44 CCoonnttrrooll SSyysstteemm SSeettuupp
55 MMeemmoorryy BBaacckkuupp//RReessttoorree
66 SSyysstteemm SSttaattuuss
nneexxtt iitteemm SSEELL SSeelleecctt
MMEENNUU eexxiitt mmeennuu ssyysstteemm
11 ZZoonnee OOppeerraattiioonn