404 AV2000 Installer/User Guide
Keyboard pass through mode 255
LDAP external authentication service 88
Legal notice 35
Licenses 54
Local accounts
adding 157
changing settings 159
deleting 158
displaying information 157
target device access rights 159
Location groups 205
Location unit properties 141
Login scripts (Telnet Viewer) 294
exit (DSR switches) 175
Telnet Viewer 296
Video Viewer 274
Managed appliances
adding a generic appliance 122
adding a single appliance 116
adding an appliance from an IP address range
adding an EVR1500 environmental monitor 122
changing name 113
displaying connections 182
displaying version information 148
DSView 3 server addresses 148
firmware management 336
local account settings 157
names 123, 125
network properties 143
network settings 147
ports used 356
rebooting 313
renaming a connection 182
restoring a configuration 316
restoring the user database 317
resynchronizing 315
saving a configuration 316
saving the user database 317
secure mode 117, 121, 149
session settings 170, 171
SNMP settings 149, 324
supported 4
tools 313
updating firmware of an appliance type
grading firmware 314
Modem connections
active modem sessions 179
modem session properties 67
Modem dial connections 196
Modem port settings (DSR switches) 156
cursor commands in Video Viewer 264
cursor settings in KVM session profile 257
preventing conflicts 10
Name synchronization 123, 125
NAT devices 53
Network properties
DSView 3 server 59
generic appliance 144
managed appliance 143
spoke servers 74
target device 143