Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections 181
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click Active Modem Sessions in the side navigation bar. The Active Modem
Sessions window will open.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the sessions. To disconnect all sessions, click the checkbox to
the left of Duration at the top of the list. (If you do not have permission to disconnect an active
session, you will not be able to select its checkbox or the checkbox at the top of the list.)
3. Click Disconnect. A confirmation dialog box will appear. Confirm or cancel the disconnect.
Connections to Units
The Connections link displays either target device or managed appliance connections.
• The Target Device Connections window lists all connections to the target device. You may also
use this window to add or delete a connection to or from the target device.
• The Appliance Connections window lists all connections from the managed appliance to
cascade switches or target devices. You may rename the units which are part of the connection
path through this window.
NOTE: Merged target devices appear as separate connections in the Connections window.
Connection display format
Connections typically appear in a format similar to the following for connections to target devices,
cascade switches and power devices:
<Managed appliance name>(<Port>)
→ <EID Number> → <target device>
<Managed appliance name>(<Port>)
→ <EID Number> → switch one <Port>→<target
<Managed appliance name>(<Port>)
→ <Power Device> (<Port>) → <target device>
<DSI5100 Appliance Name>(<Port>)
→<target device>
The following examples illustrate typical connections that may appear in your DSView 3 software.
Example: Target device connections
In the following example, there are three target devices connected to ports 3, 4 and 8 of a DSR1021
switch named dsr-1021-huntsville. The DSR1021 switch ports are connected to the three target
devices using IQ modules. The IQ module with an EID of 520255-044F6F is connected to target
device td-john, while 520255-03F757 is connected to td-mary and 520255-016BE0 is connected to