Chapter 16: Managing User Accounts 209
be used to impersonate another user over the Web Services API or GUI Access API. For
more information, see the DSView 3 software SDK online help.
NOTE: A service account may only be created if you are using the DSView 3 software internal
authentication service.
5. To change account expiration settings:
• To indicate no expiration date, enable the Never radio button.
• To specify an expiration date, enable the End of radio button. Then click the button to the
right of the adjacent field, and a calendar will be displayed. Select the date when the user
account will expire.
When a user account expires, it remains in the DSView 3 software system until the account
is deleted.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
User group membership
See User Groups on page 215.
To change the group membership of a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click User Groups in the side navigation bar. The User Group Membership window will open.
4. To add a user to one or more groups, select the group(s) in the Available Groups list, then click
Add. The columns will be moved to the Member Of list.
5. To remove the user from one or more groups, select the group(s) in the Member Of list, then
click Remove. The groups will be moved to the Available Groups list.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
The DSView 3 software obtains external group membership and external user information when a
user logs in. If a user’s group membership changes or the user is deleted externally, the DSView 3
software will not see those changes until the next time that user logs in.
Preemption level
See Preemption Levels on page 38.
To change the preemption level of a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Preemption Levels in the side navigation bar. The User Preemption Level window
will open.
4. Select a preemption level (1-4) from the menu.