
92 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
For complete information about what is needed on the RSA server, see the RSA Secured Partner
Solutions Directory on the RSA web site (rsasecurity.com).
To add an RSA SecurID external authentication service:
1. On the RSA server that will be used as an external authentication service, add the DSView 3
server as an RSA Agent Host.
2. From the DSView 3 Explorer, Click the Users tab.
3. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
4. Click Add. The Add Authentication Service Wizard will appear. Click Next.
5. The Provide Authentication Service Name and Type window will open.
a. In the Name field, type a 1-64 character name for the RSA authentication service.
b. Select RSA SecurID from the Type menu.
c. Click Next.
6. The Specify RSA SecurID Connection Settings window will open. Type the 1-512 character
path to the sdconf.rec file, or browse to the