
194 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Figure 15.2: Unit Groups Structure
Unit group hierarchy
There are two primary ways to view unit groups:
Unit Groups window - clicking the Units tab and then Groups in the top navigation bar
Units View Groups window - clicking the Units tab and then Groups in the side navigation bar
Table 15.3: Unit Groups Features
Group Type Can change rights? Can have subgroups? Can add units as members?
System Defined
Global Root Yes Yes No, can only add groups
Unassigned Yes No No
Personal Root No Yes No, can only add groups
User Defined
Global Groups Yes Yes Yes
Personal Groups No Yes Yes
Global Root
System Defined
Personal Root
User Defined
Personal Groups
User Defined
Global Groups
System Defined
System Defined
Can change rights
Can create subgroups
Can add groups as children,
but not units
No rights associated with
personal groups
Can create subgroups
Can add groups as children, but
not units
Can change rights
Cannot create subgroups
Cannot add units as members
If a unit is not assigned to any
other global group, it
automatically becomes a
member of this group
Can change rights
Can create subgroups
Can add units as members
No rights associated with
personal groups
Can create subgroups
Can add units as members