• Stateless Only: The router will multicast the IPv6 prefix along with the console
server’s MAC address, then listen for the other devices on the local network to allow
the router to assign the IPv6 address.
• Static: You must manually assign a unique IPv6 address for the console server.
• DHCP: The router will request the IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server.
3. The DHCPv6 options form is displayed. Choices are None (0), DNS (1), Domain (2) and
DNS and Domain (3). Type the number corresponding to your choice and press Enter.
• From None (0): Enter your domain name.
• From Domain (1): Enter your domain name.
• From DNS (2): Follow the on-screen instructions.
• From DNS (3): The Current Configuration screen is displayed.
4. If None (0) or Domain (1), enter your domain name.
Domain name[corp.avocent.com] :
5. Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address for the Primary DNS (domain name) server.
Primary DNS Server[] : <DNS_server_IPv4_or_IPv6_address>
6. Press Enter. The Current Configurations screen appears. If correct, enter y after the prompts
shown in the following screen example.
Are all these parameters correct? (y/n)[n]: y
Do you want to activate your configurations now? (y/n)[y]: y
Do you want to save your configuration to Flash? (y/n)[n]: y
7. To confirm the configuration, enter the ifconfig command.
8. After the initial configuration, proceed to the web manager to select a security profile as
described in the following section.
NOTE: To usethe web manager,obtainyour consoleserver’sIPaddress.The consoleserver maybesetup witha
staticIPaddressatyour site.Bydefault,the consoleserver usesthe IPaddressprovided bytheDHCPserver.If
your networkdoesnot useDHCP, then the consoleserver defaultsto192.168.160.10.
Selecting a security profile using the web manager
After the initial configuration, connect to the web manager by entering the IP address of the
console server in a supported browser.
NOTE: Onceyou log in tothewebmanager,asecurityprofilemustbe selectedto further configure the console
server usingthe webmanager.For thisreasonyour browser redirectstoWizard- Step1:SecurityProfiles.
Chapter 2: Installation 21