
Authentication Type Definition
NISDownLocal Localauthenticationisperformed onlywhen the NISserver isdown.
Radius Authenticationisperformedusing aRadiusauthenticationserver.
Radius/Local Radiusauthenticationistriedfirst,switchingto Localifunsuccessful.
RadiusDownLocal LocalauthenticationisperformedonlywhentheRadiusserver isdown.
TACACS+ Authenticationisperformed usinga TACACS+authenticationserver.
TACACS+/Local TACACS+authentication istriedfirst,switchingto Localifunsuccessful.
TACACS+DownLocal Localauthenticationistriedonlywhen the TACACS+server isdown.
To configure a serial port login authentication method:
This procedure configures an authentication method that applies to logins to devices connected
to serial ports. You can select different methods for individual ports or for groups of ports.
1. Go to Ports - Physical Ports in Expert mode and select a port or ports to modify.
2. Click the Access tab.
3. To select an authentication method, select one of the options in the Type menu.
4. Click Done.
5. Click apply changes. The changes are stored in the /etc/portSlave/pSlave.conf file on the
console server.
6. Make sure that an authentication server is specified for the selected authentication type.
Data Buffering
Under Ports - Physical Ports in Expert Mode, after you select one or more serial ports and click
the Modify Port(s), you can select the Data Buffering form from the tabbed menu. The Data
Buffering form appears.
There are different fields on this form depending on whether one or both options are enabled.
The form displays Enable Data Buffering and Buffer to Syslog options.
If Enable Data Buffering is active, the form displays different fields depending on whether
Local or Remote is selected from the Destination menu.
If Buffer to Syslog is checked, data buffer files are sent to the syslog server.
NOTE: Goto Wizard- Step 5:System Log or Expert- Network- Syslog tosetup a syslogserver.
The following table describes the fields available in the data buffering form.
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