Protect PV.500 Operating Instructions
80000041664 BAL 55 of 73 Configuring the Modbus Protocol
To access the X5 data protocol configuration, you must press <4>
in the main menu:
Figure 19 Data protocol configuration
Press one of the following keys in the “X5 Data Protocol” menu:
<TAB> to configure the Modbus protocol
<CR> to accept the set values. The configuration is finished and
the main menu is opened again.
<ESC> to cancel the configuration. This opens the main menu.
Figure 20 Modbus protocol configuration
Press one of the following keys in the “X5 Data Protocol – Mod-
bus/JBusV2” menu:
• <!> to load the factory setting.
• <1> to configure the Modbus slave address.
• <2> to configure the delay time between a request from the
master and the response from the slave.
• <CR> to accept the set values. The configuration is finished
and the main menu is opened again.
• <ESC> to cancel the configuration. This opens the main menu.