
Chapter 4: Configuration Overview
61200350L1-1 Router Option Module User Manual
Block All - All incoming packets from this PVC are blocked except
as defined in the Filters/In Exceptions list.
Forward All - All incoming packets from this PVC are not blocked
except as defined in the Filters/In Exceptions list.
Filters/In Exceptions
Write security: 2; Read security: 5
This is a list of up to 32 filter entries which can be combined using
the operations field. The operations are performed in the order they
appear on the list.
Active Turns this entry active when set to ON
Type Selects the filter define list to reference:
MAC - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/MAC Filter Defines list.
Pattern - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/Pattern Filter Defines list.
IP - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/IP Filter Defines list.
IPX - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/IPX Filter Defines list.
Filter List Name Selects between filters defined in the list.
Next Oper The next operation to use to combine with the next
filter in the list:
End - the last filter to combination.
And - logically AND this filter with the next filter in
the list.
OR - logically OR this filter with the next filter in
the list.