Appendix D: SNMP
Router Option Module User Guide 61200350L1-1
• An index to the organized data within a network device.
• Defines the operating parameters that can be controlled or
When requesting the network manager to retrieve or modify a
particular piece of information about a network device, the net-
work manager transmits the request to that network device. The
agent in that device interprets the incoming request, performs the
requested task, and sends its response to the network manager.
The network manager collects all the data from the various net-
work devices and presents it in a consistent form.
Using SNMP Version 1, the network manager can issue three
types of commands:
GetRequest: This command retrieves a single item or the first in
a series from a network device.
GetNextRequest: This command retrieves the next item in a se-
ries from a network device.
SetRequest: This command writes information to a network de-
The network device issues two types of messages:
GetResponse: This message is the response to a network manag-
er GetRequest or GetNextRequest command.
Trap: This is an unsolicited message issued by a network device
to report an operational anomaly or an alarm condition to the net-
work manager.
These messages are typically encased within informational pack-
ets and transported over the LAN or WAN.