Chapter 4: Configuration Overview
61200350L1-1 Router Option Module User Manual
Filter Defines /Pattern Filter Defines
Write security: 2; Read security: 3
The pattern filter is applied to bridge packets only. That is any pack-
et which is forwarded by the bridge functionality of the Router Op-
tion Module. Up to 32 pattern defines can be specified.
Filter Defines/IP Filter Defines
Write security: 2; Read security: 3
The IP filter defines apply to any IP packet, whether it is routed or
bridged. Up to 32 IP defines can be specified.
Name Identifies the filter entry
Offset Offset from beginning of packet of where to start the
pattern comparison
Pattern 64 bits used for comparison. (hexadecimal format)
Mask Bits in the pattern to be compared.(hexadecimal for-
Name Identifies the filter entry
IP Src IP address compared to the source address.
(dotted decimal format)
Src Mask Bits which are used in the source comparison.
(dotted decimal format)
IP Dest IP address compared to the destination address.
(dotted decimal format)
Dest Mask Bits which are used in the destination compari-
son. (dotted decimal format)
Src Port IP source port number used for comparison.
Range: 0 to 65535. (decimal format)
Src Port
Type of comparison that is performed:
= -- port equal to
not = -- port not equal to
> -- port greater than
< -- port less than
None - the source port is not compared