Index-2 TSU IQ+ User Manual 61200275L1-1
DTE rates, B-1
DTE/DCE connector, pinout A-5
ethernet card, description, 1-6
FCC radio frequency interference statement viii
FCC regulations iv
features, of unit 1-2
fractional T1, general description, 1-4
frame relay alarm conditions, 3-3
frame relay, general description, 1-3
front panel operation, 3-4
front panel, drawing 3-1
history interval count, 7-6
history interval size, 9-5
hot keys, for statistics menus 10-4
in & out test jacks 2-4
items provided by Adtran 2-2
items provided by customer 2-2
installation, 2-1
installing option cards 2-4
interface card options, 1-6
ISDN DBU card, B-2
ISDN DBU card, configuration options, 8-7
ISDN DBU card, description, 1-7
ISDN, switch type, 8-7
Layer 3 statistics 10-16
LED descriptions, on front panel 3-3
line interfaces, B-1
local configuration 5-1
logout, of terminal menu, 3-16
main menu, overview 3-16
monitor test jack, 2-4
network connector, 2-4
network connector, pinout A-1
network port 7-1
network port statistics
on front panel, 10-35
operating modes, B-1
option cards, how to install 2-4
Physical Layer Options, for PRI DBU card, 8-9
physical specifications, B-3
ping tests, 11-3
10BaseT connector, A-2
4-wire A-4
BRI ISDN DBU card, A-4
control connector A-2
DSX-1 connector, A-1
DTE/DCE connector A-5
network connector, A-1
PRI DBU card A-4
V.34 connector A-4
V.35 connector A-3
power cord, 2-3
power up
connecting the unit 2-2
PRI DBU card, 8-8
PRI DBU Card, description, 1-7
PRI DBU card, pinout, A-4
product overview, 1-1
product warranty xi
protocol standards
for frame relay, SLIP, and SNMP, B-3
protocol statistics 9-4
PVC loopback test, 11-4
PVC management (dedicated), programming 4-9
PVC management (local)
configuration requirements 4-6
PVC management (shared), programming 4-7
PVC signaling formats 7-1
rear panel
how to install DBU, ethernet, and DCE cards
rear panel, general description, 2-2
receipt inspection, 2-1
remote configuration, 5-1