Chapter 10. Statistics
61200275L1-1 TSU IQ+ User Manual 10-11
Maximum Rx Throughput
Maximum throughput sample in the receive direction for the given
interval. Thisisdisplayedinkbps.
Average Rx Throughput
Average throughput in the receive direction for the given interval.
This is displayed in kbps.
Maximum Rx Utilization
Maximum utilization sample in the receive direction for the given
interval. Utilization is displayed as a percentage of network port
Average Rx Utilization
Average utilization sample in the receive direction for the given
interval. Utilization is displayed as a percentage of network port
Tx Frames
Number of frames transmitted by the network port.
Tx Bytes
Number of bytes transmitted by the network port.
Maximum Tx Throughput
Maximum throughput sample in the transmit direction for the
given interval. This is displayed in kbps.
Average Tx Throughput
Average throughput in the transmit direction for the given interval.
This is displayed in kbps.
Maximum Tx Utilization
Maximum utilization sample in the transmit direction for the given
interval. Utilization is displayed as a percentage of network port
Average Tx Utilization
Average utilization sample in the transmit direction for the given
interval. Utilization is displayed as a percentage of network port