61200275L1-1 TSU IQ+ User Manual C-1
Appendix C
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ACK................... acknowledgment
AIS..................... alarm indication signal
ALM.................. alarm
ANSI ................. American National Standards Institute
AR...................... access rate
ARP ................... address resolution protocol
ASCII................ American National Standards Code for Information Interchange
async ................. asynchronous
BECN ................ backward explicit congestion notification
BES.................... bursty errored seconds
BOP ................... bit oriented protocol
bps..................... bits per second
BPV ................... bipolar violation
CCITT............... Consultive Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy
CD ..................... carrier detect
CIR .................... committed information rate
CO ..................... central office
CPE.................... customer premise equipment
CR, C/R............. command response
CRC................... cyclic redundancy check
CS ...................... clear to send