Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 57 0007VRF
3. Enter the new extension information or upload a CSV file for the
extensions. Then Click the “Create” button. If successful, Click the
“Return to Extensions” button.
4. Click the “Auto-Discovery” button.
5. All of the phones you are attempting to setup are highlighted. Click the
checkboxes next to these phones (verifying that you are only checking
the ones from step 2.).
6. Click the “Factory Default”. Wait long enough for the phones to default
and restart. This could be anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes for
each phone, depending on the model.
7. Click the checkboxes next to the phones from step 2. Click the “Assign,
Configure, and Restart” button.
CSV Upload
Each line is a record consisting of 1-5 comma separated fields. The order of the fields
must be:
Name, Email, Number, Phone Type, MAC
o Number: the extension number.
o Phone Type: This should be spelled out in English. Example Aastra 480i
You may omit fields starting from the right hand side of a record but the order of the
remaining fields must match the file format above.
Comments may be placed in the CSV file by using ‘#’ marks. Comments must either be
at the start of a line or have only spaces in front of the mark. Comments must not be
placed on the same line as a record entry.
Add Range
1. Go to Destinations > Extensions.
2. Enter the number of extensions to be created in the provided text box.
3. Click the Add Range button.
4. Give the system a starting extension#.