
Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 1 0007VRF
About the IPitomy 1000
The IPitomy 1000 is a powerful business communications platform. It is a pure IP PBX designed
to use IP networks for voice calls. Engineered to support from 10 to 150 users, the system will
work with analog lines and T1 /PRI lines for traditional Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) connectivity. In addition to traditional telephone lines, the IPitomy 1000 can use VoIP
service providers like IPitomy Exchange, replacing traditional PSTN lines with a broadband
Benefits of VoIP Technology
The IPitomy 1000 can support any or all of these connectivity methods simultaneously or in any
combination. Customers not quite ready to depend on VoIP providers for all of their business
communications can start at their own pace and gain a comfort level, shifting to VoIP broadband
providers at their own pace. Benefits of VoIP technology include:
One Wiring System The system uses a single wiring system for telephones and
dataall data and voice are on Local Area Network (LAN) Category 5 wiring.
Web-based Administration System administration is performed on the network
through a Web-based administration program.
Remote Users When calls are routed over the Internet, long distance charges can
be avoided. In businesses with remote workers, these employees can stay logged
into the office through a broadband connection at all times without incurring any
additional charges.
Centralized System Features Every extension that is logged into the system is
capable of receiving and originating calls. The use of system features such as
voicemail, automated attendant and email are all centralized simplifying all support
and maintenance.
Reduced Costs VoIP system users can reduce cost in many areas of a business.
VoIP telephony lowers the cost of support and maintenance costs, as well as,
reducing telephony line costs by up to 50%.
Simplifies Administration Moves, adds and changes are simple. The IPitomy
1000 provides enhanced capabilities for users to make changes without incurring a
service call.
Investment Protection VoIP, and in particular, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-
based VoIP products offer investment protection. The industry is rapidly moving
toward Internet Protocol (IP) communications technologies. Older digital and analog
technologies are becoming obsolete and are being replaced with IP-based products
that will be around for a long time.