System Performance Graphs 89
■ Hit and Miss Latencies (msec)
The average time per request that the Webcache takes to respond to
client machine HTTP requests. The response time includes both cache
hits and cache misses.
A short response time indicates more efficient operation, because
more content is being served from the high speed Webcache, and less
from the slow World Wide Web.
■ Throughput (Kbits/sec)
The average amount per second of HTTP throughput served by the
The System Performance graphs show more detailed information about
the performance of the Webcache. They are intended for use by your
System Administrator and 3Com support personnel.
To view the System Performance graphs:
1 Log in to the Web interface.
2 Select Performance -> Graphs in the Navigation Tree.
3 Select System Performance Graphs from the available graph types. Select
one of the three available time periods, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, by
clicking the appropriate radio button.
4 Click OK.
The System Performance graphs show the following information, which is
updated every 5 minutes:
■ CPU Load (%)
The average and maximum percentage of load on the Webcache’s
central processing unit (CPU).
■ Memory Usage (Mbytes)
The average amount of physical memory that is being used in the
I/O Performance
The I/O (Input/Output) Performance graphs show more detailed
information about the performance of the Webcache. They are intended
for use by your System Administrator and 3Com support personnel.