7 The software upgrade may take several minutes to complete. The
Software Upgrade Successful screen is displayed when the software
upgrade has been successful.
8 Click OK to exit the Upgrade Software wizard and reboot the Webcache.
This will complete the software upgrade. The Device View is displayed in
the Web interface.
What is a Software
You can install an older version of management software on the
Webcache than the version that is currently running. This is useful in the
unlikely event that you are experiencing problems following a software
upgrade of the Webcache. A software installation should only be
performed as an emergency recovery procedure.
3Com recommends that you always run the latest software version on
the Webcache.
CAUTION: Unlike a software upgrade, all of the Webcache’s
configuration settings are lost after a software installation has been
completed; the Webcache is reset to its factory defaults. For more
information, see “Default Settings” on page 22. To restore the settings
after the installation is complete, you must restore a system configuration
file that you have previously saved. This configuration file must have been
saved on the same software version as the software that you have just
installed. For more information, see “Saving and Restoring
Configurations” on page 103.
The Webcache software installation process is robust and guards against
an installation failure. Should a software installation fail, the Webcache
will automatically revert to using the software version that was installed
before the installation was started. The installation process is resilient to
power failure, network failure or system failure.
Performing a
To install an older version of management software using the Web
1 Log in to the Web interface.
2 Click Device View on the Toolbar.