system configuration file includes a record of the Webcache software
version that was running when the configuration was saved.
The Restore Configuration operation restores the system configuration
from the file to the Webcache. It checks that the system configuration
being restored was created on the same Webcache software version as
the one that the Webcache is running.
You perform a software upgrade and experience problems with the
Webcache. You now want to return the Webcache to a previous working
software version. You need to install the previous software version and
then restore the configuration that you saved prior to commencing the
To do this, you need to install the software image of the previous
software version. This is available either on the CD supplied with the
Webcache or on the 3Com FTP site. The same software image is used for
installation and for upgrades.
You need to perform a software installation to return the Webcache to a
previous working software version. All of the Webcache’s configuration
settings are lost after a software installation has been completed, except
the IP and DNS configuration. You should now browse to the Webcache’s
Web interface and restore the system configuration file that you saved
the last time the Webcache was running this older software version. You
would perform the Restore Configuration command to go back to a fully
configured Webcache running the previous software version.
If you had not previously saved a system configuration file for the older
software version, you would still be able to install a previous software
image, but you would have to re-enter all of the configuration settings.
CAUTION: You cannot restore a system configuration which was created
on a different software version to the version that the Webcache is
currently running.
Example: You save a configuration when the Webcache is running
software version 1.00. You later perform a software upgrade to version
1.01 and attempt to restore the 1.00 system configuration to the
Webcache. The Web interface will not allow you to restore the
Therefore you should save a configuration file for each different software
version that you run on the Webcache. If you need to go back to an