Xpelair Digitemp Air Conditioner User Manual

...it couldn’t be simpler!
Installing Digitemp from within the room at high or low levels
requires only a standar
d 13 amp electrical supply.
Designed for low cost installation, Digitemp is simple to fit requiring only
two discreet holes to an external wall. Using a patented folding grille
system, Digitemp can be installed entirely from inside the property making
it ideal for apartments and multi-storey locations - eliminating the cost of
erecting scaffolding.
When operating in cooling only mode, condensate is removed through
water evaporation on the condenser therefore a drainage pipe is not
necessary. In models with a heating function, the unit requires condensate
to be removed through a small drainage pipe.
1 Select the position of the unit
(see diagram for optimum
positioning). Where possible
the unit should be positioned
towards the centre of the
selected external wall
2 Drill holes for vents at a
sloping angle to the external
wall to allow for drainage in
heating mode
3 Fix the bracket
4 From within the room, feed
the discreet folding grilles
through the inlet and
outlet vents
5 Hard wire the unit to a
ring main spur
Only external evidence is
two discreet grilles