Eloctrlcal Rsqulramsnts
Ground assembly
(attach to grounded
coid water pipe
metal cold water pipe)
(removepelnt,etc.) 7 f 1
Grounded eyelet
~‘- 1
Installation Instructions
Temporary grounding msthod
If changing and property grounding the wall recap
tacle is impossible and where local codes permit
(consuft your electrical inspector), a temporary
adapter may bs plugged into the existing P-prong
wall receptacle to mate with the 3-prong power
supply cord. This, however, is not recommended.
If this is done, however, you must connect the
grounded eyelet on the adapter to the wall mcep
tacfe cover plate screw and from this same screw,
you must connect a separate copper ground wire
(Xl4 minimum) to a grounded cold water pipe.
‘Do not ground to a gas supply pipe. Do not
connect to electrfcal supply until appliance is
grounded. Do not, under any circumstances,
remove the power supply cord grounding prong.
‘Cold water pipe must have metal continuity to
electrical ground and not be interrupted by pIas-
tic, rubber or other electrically insulating corlneC-
tors (including water meter or pump) wfthout
adding a jumper wire at these connections.
For models ACS602, ACS802 and ACSlOP, follow
installation instructions below. For model ACC802,
follow installation instructions on page 8.
Installation Instructions for
models ACS602, ACM02
To help avoid any installation problems and to help
assure trouble-free perfomtance of your new air
conditioner, read these installation instructions, as
well as the operating instructions and electrical
requirements before installing your unit.
Personal InJury Hazard
l Because thls air conditioner wslghs about
90 to 105 pounds, it is recommended that
you have somsons hsip you Install your
nsw unit and that you both uss propsr lift-
ing techniques.
l Inspect the condition of ths wlndow whefa
ths air condftionsr will be Installed. Bs
sure it wlii support the weight of ths unit.
l mh appliance must be Instalisd accord
ing to ail applicable codes and
0 Handle ths air wndttlonsr wlth care.
Watch out for the sharp metal ffns on ths
front and rear colis.
l Be sum air conditioner doss not fall oui of
window during or aftsr lnstaliatlon.
m Do not uss ths collected watsr for drinking
purposes. It is not sanitary.
Faiiurs to follow ths abovs prsoautions
could msuit In psrsonal Injury.