Part Number 550-110-639/0703
Install boiler controls
Failure to properly install, pipe and wire
boiler controls may result in severe damage
to the boiler, building and personnel.
Water boiler
1. Install controls as shown on Control Tapping Table
and Figure 3, page 6. Limit control and supply piping
must be on the same end of EGH boiler.
2. Low water cut off for water boilers:
a) Must be installed if boiler is located above radiation
b) Must be installed on all EGH 105-125 water boilers
to meet ASME specifications (low water cut-off
not supplied by Weil-McLain).
c) May be required on water boilers by certain state,
local or territorial codes or insurance companies.
If a low water cut-off is used on a water boiler, use a
control designed especially for water installations.
An electrode probe type may be located in a tee in
the supply line above boiler, also see Control Tapping
Table, page 6.
3. If system is to be ASME inspected and approved, an
additional high temperature limit is needed. Purchase
and install in supply line above boiler.
Steam boiler
1. For steam boilers furnished with probe-type low
water cut-offs, install as shown in Figure 17.
2. For steam boilers furnished with float type low water
cut-off, install controls as illustrated in Figure 18.
Install blowdown line in bottom of cutoff. See Figure
19 and control manufacturer’s instructions for details.
Pipe blowdown line near floor close to floor
drain to eliminate potential of severe burns.
Do not plug, valve or place any obstruction
in blowdown line.
a) Other float-type water-level controls for EGH steam
boilers are shown in Figure 19. (Use 1 inch I.P.S.
b) Water feeders are not recommended for primary
control. A low-water cut-off with pump controller is
recommended with a condensate receiver and feed
3. Install remaining controls as shown in Control
Tapping Table and Figure 3, page 6.
Figure 17 Probe-type low water cut-off
NOTE: Water line dimension measured from bottom
of boiler section leg where it rests on the boiler
room floor or boiler foundation.
Figure 18 Float-type low water cut-off
Figure 19 Piping for optional float-type water
level controllers for steam boilers