Wayne-Dalton KEP-IV Garage Door Opener User Manual

Safety Precautions
Never let children operate or play with door controls. Keep remote controls away from
children. Fatal injury could result should a child become trapped between the door and the
Always keep moving door in sight and keep people and objects away until it is completely
closed. To prevent serious injury or death, avoid standing in the open doorway or walking
through the doorway while door is moving.
Copy See Replicate.
Delete Erase transmitter or SCENE information from Controller. Also known as Exclude.
Device Any item that is connected to a Z-Wave
module (for example, lamps).
ExcludeRemove a module from the controller.
IncludeAdd a module to the controller.
LEDLight emitting diode.
ModuleAny HomeSettings or Z-Wave
product that is controlled with a HomeSettings or
remote controller. A module can be part of more than one scene.
Network A collection of devices controlled by primary or secondary controllers operating on the
same system. A network has its own unique identification code so that no one else can control
the system.
Opener Garage Door Opener
Primary ControllerThe first controller used to set up your modules and network. NOTE: Only
the Primary Controller can be used to include or delete modules from a network. It is
recommended that you mark the primary controller for ease in modifying your network.
Replicate Copy from one controller to another.
PIN Personal Identification Number set by person programming the KEP-IV.
SceneA scene is a series of Z-Wave
modules programmed to activate a specific level (on, off,
dim) with the push of a button on a controller.
TransmitterGarage Door Opener transmitter
Definition of Symbol