Z-Wave™ Thermostat
The Z-Wave™ thermostat provides for typical thermostat control of a central heating and cooling HVAC system plus has
the added feature of Z-Wave™ communications for remote control.
The thermostat has a large, backlit graphical display, control buttons, status LEDs and a temperature sensor. The
thermostat can display multiple screens for different functions of the thermostat. In the default thermostat control screen,
shown below, it displays the current temperature, setpoint, system mode, manual fan mode, time, outside temperature and
other information.
Heat (H)
Cool (C)
Display operation
Thermostat control screen
Normally the thermostat displays the thermostat control screen as shown above. Using the Menu button, you can access
other screens and functions of the thermostat.
Minimized Display Mode
Optionally, you can set the thermostat to show only the temperature in a minimized display mode.
This mode can be set on or off in the thermostat Users Settings screen if enabled. (See page 16 for more information)
Other screens
Other standard screens are selected by the Menu button and include: Schedules, User Settings, Usage Graph, ESM
Setpoints and Thermostat Info. Other screens, such as the Schedules screen, may be present and selectable from the
menu button depending on options included or selected in the installation setup process.
The thermostat has a backlit display for low light and night visibility. It can be set to remain on constantly, or to turn off
after a 20-45 second delay. These are selectable in the User Settings menu.