FAN Button
FAN Button
The FAN button controls the HVAC system’s MANUAL fan. The current manual fan mode is displayed above the button.
Pressing the FAN button will take you to the FAN MODE screen shown below.
Fan Mode Screen
Use the Up/Down
buttons to scroll
through the
Normally the FAN mode is in the Auto mode (the system fan is automatically controlled by HVAC system). If you want the
FAN on manually, select the ON mode. The fan will run continuously until it is turned to off by selecting AUTO mode.
NOTE: If the Fan Cycler feature is enabled in the Installer Setup, the additional fan mode “Cycle” will be available.
This mode cycles the fan on and off per the settings for fresh air ventilation.
The RUN/HOLD/ESM button controls the automatic SCHEDULE operation. Pressing this button will take you to the
SCHEDULE MODE screen as shown below.
Run/Hold/ESM Screen
Use the Up/Down
buttons to scroll
through the
Run Mode. In the run mode, the thermostat schedule is running and setpoints will change according the times and
temperatures in the schedule. The schedule can be local (if enabled in the Installer Settings) or remote via the Z-Wave
Hold Mode. This holds the current temperature setpoint settings. The schedule operation is inhibited.
Energy Savings Mode (ESM). This is a setback mode. When selected, the ESM temperature setpoint settings are used.
It also inhibits schedule operation.