Spring Isolators
Install the spring isolators at each unit mounting (load) point using the following procedure:
1. Elevate the unit (one side at a time) to allow access to the base rail mounting holes.
Heavy Objects!
Use solid type blocks, i.e. 4" X 4" wood blocks or similar material to prevent collapsing. Keep
hands and other body limbs clear of elevated base rail while installing isolators. Failure to do so
could result in death or serious injury.
2. Align the mounting holes in the base rail of the unit with the positioning pin in the top of the
appropriate isolator. Refer to
Tab le 4 for the appropriate isolator for each load point.
3. Position the isolator to allow access to the mounting holes in the base of the isolator.
4. Lower the unit onto the isolator. The positioning pin on the isolator must engage into the hole
of the base rail. The clearance between the upper and lower isolator housings should be
approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch. A clearance greater than 1/2 inch indicates that shims are required
to level the unit. Refer to the “Leveling the Unit” section.
5. Make minor clearance adjustments by turning the isolator leveling bolt (Table 4) clockwise to
increase the clearance and counterclockwise to decrease the clearance. If proper isolator
clearance cannot be obtained by turning the leveling bolt, level the isolators themselves. A 1/
4 inch variance in elevation is acceptable.
6. Secure the isolator to the mounting surface using the base holes in the isolator.
7. After the unit is level, tighten the isolator base mounting bolts to secure them to the mounting
Leveling the Unit
Before tightening the mounting bolts, level the unit carefully. Use the unit base rail as a reference.
Level the unit to within 1/4 inch over its entire length. Use shims if non-adjustable isolators
(neoprene) are used.
If adjustable isolators (spring) are used, ensure that the proper isolator housing clearance is
maintained while leveling the unit. Isolators are identified by color and/or an isolator part number.
Shims under the isolators may be required if the unit can not be leveled using the isolator leveling