Thorough Cleaning of the Product
Cleaning the main unit, toilet seat and lid.
Remove the lid.
Open the lid at a 90° angle, grasp with both
hands and lift straight up.
Each component can be disassembled for a thorough cleaning.
Remove the toilet seat
Open the toilet seat at a 90° angle, grasp with
both hands and lift straight up.
✲ The toilet seat cord cannot be removed.
✲ The toilet seat cord can only be extended about
2 inches. Do not apply force to pull the cord out.
✲ The toilet seat should only be removed at a 90°
angle. Do not apply force to pull up on the seat
as this may cause it to break.
After removing the toilet seat, place it on top of
the toilet bowl for cleaning.
Clean the components
Refer to the "Daily Care and Maintenance" instructions on page 30.
Make certain that the toilet seat pins
are facing up. (Both right and left pins.)
If the toilet seat pins are not facing up, push the
button on the remote controller.